
From LegendMud's Newbie Guide
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/__|                           SUMMARY COMMANDS                           |__\
TRAVEL                                 OBJECT MANIPULATION 
  exits north east south west up down    close open lock unlock get take
  mv enter go board leave harness        drop put give hold junk split wear
                                         wield remove eat drink fill empty
INFORMATION                              douse extinguish use recite quaff
  help tips areainfo time weather        reload unload shops buy sell trade
  motd events wizlist credits            ignite deposit withdraw clandeposit
  websites who whoimm whoshort           dieroll cointoss
  whochannel clans view warn score     
  report attributes status friends     MISCELLANEOUS
  allskills practice query words         exits look examine bug idea sit
  allwords allspells spellbook list      stand sleep wake rest lie quit rent
  inventory equipment skills spells      offer catalog save follow group
  preview value statement                ditch order redeem clear ooc ic
  look glance whois                      befriend repudiate
COMBAT (universal)                     CONFIGURATION/CUSTOMIZATION
  hp consider kill target flee wimpy     autoexits blank brief channels
  wary agg hp mana weapons bows shoot    password description name title
  aim pkill accept reject                options config prompt cprompt
                                         delimiter fighttype color 
COMBAT (requires skill)                  screenlen screenwidth telnet
  mana kick dodge shoot backstab bash  
  headbutt throw choke tumble juggle   CLANS
  warcry rescue rage tumble elbow        seek unseek abandon pledge clan
  draw guns shoot aim                    roster allegiances form recruit
                                         induct decline outcast purpose
COMMUNICATION                            claninfo disband rp_to_pk_clan
  auction chat info pray tell gtell      clanbuild
  reply afk conference gag gagchannel    
  say ' - ask talk whisper yell        HOUSING
  emote : emoteto socials moods read     build acquire expel install
  write erase append post send mail      demolish roomdemolish connect
  receive mark                    

For more information: type 'help <topic>' for any command, skill, or spell.

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