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___ ___ \ |----------------------------------------------------------------------| / /__| BANKS BANKING BANK DEPOSIT CLANDEPOSIT WITHDRAW STATEMENT INQUIRY |__\ '----------------------------------------------------------------------' Syntax: deposit <amount> <currency> Syntax: clandeposit <amount> <currency> Syntax: withdraw <amount> <currency> Syntax: statement <currency> Syntax: inquiry <currency> Syntax: banktransfer <amount> Syntax: banktransfer <-amount> Bankers are scattered throughout the game. There is one in each hometown, and they generally advertise their services on the local information boards. DEPOSIT will place your money into the bank. WITHDRAW allows you to withdraw your money for a small fee that is deducted from the amount withdrawn. STATEMENT will tell you the current account balance(s) and any housing costs. You do not need to be a banker to view your statement, unlike the other banker commands you can use statement anywhere. INQUIRY is an alternate command for statement. With the exception of statement and inquiry, you must be at a banker to use these commands. Your balance will remain the same if you die, so it's a good idea to deposit money so you won't be destitute if you die. Also, every 400 gp that you carry weighs 1 kg, so you will be less encumbered if you deposit regularly. Please note: bankers keep a small percentage of the amount for all withdrawals. If you are in a clan, you may deposit money into your clan account. However, the money may only be used by the GM to purchase housing. Money can not be withdrawn from the clan account. If the clan is dissolved, any money in the clan account is lost. You may also set up a personal TITHE percentage to have funds automatically deposited into your clan account, or your GM may have set a minimum percentage for members to contribute out of each deposit to the clan. When you want to transfer all of the money in your posession or in your account, you can use DEPOSIT ALL, WITHDRAW ALL, or CLANDEPOSIT ALL. This works with currency, too -- e.g., DEPOSIT ALL DOLLARS. Note: you do not need to specify currency when dealing with gold coins. BANKTRANSFER allows you to transfer currency between your character's bank account and your account bank account. (Note, you must be level 10 to use banktransfer) The banktransfer command can be used anywhere, it does not have to be at a banker. Bantransfer a positive amount will take money out of your character's bank account and put it into your account bank account. Banktransfer a negative amount will transfer currency out of your account bank account into the character's bank account. For example, BANKTRANSFER 100k Will deposit 100k into your account bank account. BANKTRANSFER -100k, however, will take 100k from your account bank account and deposit it into your character's bank account. __ __ >__|----------------------------------------------------------------------|__< '----------------------------------------------------------------------'